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Writer's picturedavidson oturu

Long term power of compounding

I love compounding and it’s one of the natural principles that can be used to learn new things. In describing this principle, Albert Einstein is rumoured to have stated that it is the 8th wonder of the world!

You see, everything takes time. And because it does take time, you have to patiently put in the work; even while no one is looking.

For instance, if you want to read a 200 page book but you don’t “have the time”, think of breaking down your reading to 5 pages a day. That would mean it would take you 40 days to finish the book by simply committing 10 minutes of your day reading that book. If you did that daily for 365 days, you would have read 10 books in a year. Imagine the knowledge acquired by investing 10 minutes a day to your mind.

Apply the principle to every area of your life — finance, health, relationships. Too busy? take 30 minutes walks daily. That compounds into 210 hours a week and you can listen to a podcast while you are at it.

Invest 20 minutes each day in showing those close to you how much the mean to you rather than hoping you would have hours to spare which may never come.

Make the effort to compound. Your earning capacity, your health and even your life may depend on it.

Long term power of compounding
Long term power of compounding

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