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SEC launches Regulatory Incubation Program for Fintechs

Nigeria’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently issued a circular on 28th April 2023 notifying the general public that it is now receiving applications from fintech operators that are interested in registering for its Regulatory Incubation (RI) Program. The circular was issued further to the earlier Regulatory Incubation Guidelines for Specific Category of FinTech Entrepreneurs (“Guidelines”) released by the SEC in June 2021.

This is good news for the fintech ecosystem as SEC’s RI Program operates as a regulatory sandbox, and so fintechs with innovative products that utilise emerging technologies to deliver services to their customers can now test their products, get the requisite approval from the SEC, and launch in the market. However, SEC made it clear that the program does not apply to fintechs in the areas of crowdfunding, Robo Advisory/Digital Investment Advisory and sub-brokers using a digital platform, as they already have regulations that apply to their services.

In this article, I consider the impact of this sandbox program and the prospects it could have for Nigerian fintechs that are regulated by the SEC.

What is a regulatory sandbox?

A regulatory sandbox is a controlled environment or program created by regulatory authorities, that allows innovative companies and startups test new products, services, and business models without facing the full burden of regulatory compliance. It provides a way for new ideas to be developed, tested, and refined in a safe and controlled environment, while still protecting consumers and maintaining financial stability.

The regulatory sandbox typically has specific eligibility criteria, application processes, and time limits. Companies that are accepted into the program are given exemptions or modifications from certain regulations, allowing them to experiment with new ideas without the risk of regulatory penalties.

Regulatory sandboxes have been implemented in various countries, including the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, and Canada. It has been used to test a range of innovative products and services, including fintech solutions, digital identity verification systems, and blockchain-based applications.

The main benefits of a regulatory sandbox include:

  1. Encouraging innovation: By providing a controlled environment for testing new products and services, regulatory sandboxes encourage innovation and experimentation.

  2. Promoting economic growth: By supporting the development of new businesses and products, regulatory sandboxes can help to stimulate economic growth.

  3. Identifying regulatory barriers: By providing a platform for collaboration between businesses and regulators, regulatory sandboxes can help to identify regulatory barriers that may hinder innovation.

  4. Improving consumer protection: Regulatory sandboxes can also help to improve consumer protection by ensuring that innovative products and services meet appropriate safety and quality standards.

Overall, regulatory sandboxes can play an important role in fostering innovation, promoting economic growth, and improving consumer protection.

The RI Program

In the Guidelines, SEC stated that pursuant to Section 38 (2) of the Investment and Securities Act 2007 (the “Act”), it has the power to enable the deepening of the Nigerian Capital Markets through various methods such as the RI Program. SEC also reiterated that Section 38 (1) of the Act prohibits any expert or professional from carrying out any activity in the Nigerian Capital Markets except if it is registered by SEC. It t was further to these powers that the RI Program was developed.

Following the release of the Guideline in June 2021, SEC had indicated that the RI Program would launch in the 3rd quarter of 2021 and would operate by admitting identified Fintech business models and processes in cohorts for a one-year period. However, the launch failed to take place until now. Following the commencement of the application process, the SEC has indicated that it would receive applications through its dedicated portal from 28th April 2023 until 26th May 2023 when it would close the process and the cohorts will be announced at specific times.

SEC explained that the RI Program is designed to address the needs of new business models and processes that require regulatory authorisation to continue carrying out full or ancillary technology-driven capital market activities. The RI Program has therefore been conceived as an interim measure to aid the evolution of effective regulation which accommodates the innovation by fintechs without compromising market integrity and within limits that ensure investor protection.

Eligible applicants

The following companies are eligible to apply for the RI Program:

  1. Registered Capital Market Operators

  2. Unregistered Fintech innovators that require regulation

  3. Firms of all sizes

  4. Special interest in firms that want to enhance investor participation in the Nigeria Capital Market

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must demonstrate that their innovation is:

1. for application in the Nigeria Capital Market;

  1. safe for investors;

  2. a genuine innovation that introduces a new product/process to serve specific investor needs;

  3. able to solves existing compliance or supervisory issues (optional); and

  4. ready for testing

The procedure under the Guidelines

The Guidelines provide that generally. The RI Program will last for a period of one year to enable SEC supervise some new models of providing capital market services in a limited form before it becomes fully established to operate”. During the one-year period, the businesses will operate under some prescribed basic but limited provisions which are contained in the Guidelines.

Before an entity applies for the RI Program, the Guidelines specify that the entity must:

  1. be using innovative technology to offer a new type of product or service, or applying innovation to an existing financial product or service;

  2. be involved in or seeks to be involved in an activity that, if carried on in or from Nigeria, is a financial service that SEC regulates;

  3. be ready to take-off with live customers and operate within the purview of the SEC Regulatory Framework;

  4. register as soon as rules guiding the RI Program are released by SEC;

  5. offer a product or service that addresses a problem (compliance or supervision) or brings potential benefits to consumers or the Nigerian Capital Market;

  6. ensure that the product is safe for investors; and

  7. complete the FinTech Initial Assessment Form and discuss the proposal with SEC at an early stage.

If the entity meets the pre-qualification requirements, it will go through to the Initial Assessment Phase.

Initial Assessment Phase

In this Phase, the FinTech Initial Assessment (FIA) Form will be filed by the entity and a processing fee of N200,000.00 (two hundred thousand Naira) shall be paid. A response will be given to the FIA Form within 15 working days from its submission.

If there is a regulatory framework which regulates the proposed product or service, SEC will provide guidance to the entity. If no framework exists for its regulation, the applicant will be directed to fill and submit the Regulatory Incubation (RI) Form within 16 working days.

The RI Form is to be submitted with an Implementation Plan for the product or service being offered by the applicant. The Implementation Plan shall contain:

  1. a full description of the business and the proposed innovative product, service or business model including the type of technology;

  2. the objectives and parameters for the incubation period;

  3. the implementation timeline and key milestones for testing;

  4. the existing/target customers;

  5. a Risk Management Framework, clearly stating key risks and how they will be controlled and mitigated including insurance cover;

  6. a description of how the entity will ensure that customers fully understand the risks;

  7. a description of how communications with customers will be handled before and during the incubation period including how the entity will deal with queries, feedback and complaints;

  8. a description of the next steps at the expiration of the incubation period: and

  9. a clear exit plan if registration is not achieved, including how the entity will fulfil its obligations to its customers.

After filling the RI Form, SEC will respond within 20 working days of confirmation whether:

  1. admission has been granted to the RI Program subject to the Terms and Conditions of Admission;

  2. the applicant will be admitted to the RI Program at a future date; or

  3. The application is declined.

After the Initial Assessment Phase has been passed, the applicant shall receive a Letter of Admission into the RI Program from SEC and, within three working days from the receipt of the letter, undertake to:

  1. be deemed fit and possess relevant skills in financial services and/or technology;

  2. act with integrity due care and diligence and provide referee information;

  3. provide full information to clients and commit to sending them regular feedback;

  4. provide full disclosure to SEC on the business through an incubation implementation plan;

  5. provide a procedure for holding and controlling client assets;

  6. comply with all relevant laws and regulations;

  7. have an office in Nigeria;

  8. comply with Anti-Money Laundering /Combatting the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) requirements; and

  9. provide monthly reports to SEC.

Regulatory Incubation Phase

While in the RI Program, any admitted entity must comply with all prescribed provisions in the Guidelines. Some of these requirements are that the applicant:

  1. must not conduct any other investment business except as presented to SEC;

  2. must not carry out financial promotions which guarantee returns;

  3. must not provide information containing any untrue or misleading statements; and

  4. must have the capacity to onboard a maximum of 100 clients.

However, SEC may permit the applicant to onboard additional clients if the need arises. Any applicant that was operating before the RI Program and enters into the incubation phase with clients, is to maintain its existing clients and cease onboarding new ones.

Applicants will receive feedback on their product or service from the RI Team at the end of every quarter and by the 10th month of admission, the applicant shall receive a guideline issued by SEC which will direct its business activities. At the end of the year, applicants will exit from the program with clear directives from SEC on the next steps to take and will commence operations as an entity registered under SEC. if the entity does not follow SEC’s registration requirements after the RI Program, its activities may be terminated by SEC.

The Guidelines provide that an entity may be removed from the RI Program if it:

  1. is found no longer fit to participate in the process;

  2. has breached any restrictions or conditions imposed on its participation;

  3. has breached the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria or the Guidelines;

  4. deviates from its Implementation Plan; or

  5. has not promptly taken steps either to apply for registration or submit a notice of discontinuance after the one-year period of the regulatory incubation process.


With the commencement of the application process, it appears SEC is staying true to its three-pronged objective to regulate innovation in the Nigerian capital market by providing a tool to promote regulatory compliance, regulatory supervision, and innovation in the fintech space.

Though there may be doubts regarding whether SEC will truly assist participants in its RI Program and how it will utilise the data and business plans it receives from its applicants, with the innovative drive SEC has shown, it is hoped that the RI Program will be well implemented and benefit the ecosystem positively.

SEC launches Regulatory Incubation Program for Fintechs

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